E-Line IPA

99+% IPA in convenient aerosol package

Part # Name Size Units
Per Case
Per Case
1610-12S E-LINE IPA - 12oz aerosol 12 oz (340g) 12 $137.64
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Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) in convenient aerosol packaging. 99+% pure anhydrous (minimal water). IPA is excellent for defluxing, fiber optics maintenance, stencil cleaning, tool cleaning, tape-head cleaning and other light-duty cleaning.

Features & Benefits

  • 99+% pure IPA
  • Compliant with SCAQMD rule 1171
  • Ideal for defluxing, stencil cleaning & fiber optics
  • Plastic safe
  • Low toxicity
  • NSF registered K1 and K2

Specifications: ASTM D770-11


How do you know the safe exposure limit of a degreaser, contact cleaner, or flux remover?
The personal hazard associated with a solvent is often defined using Threshold Limit Value (TLV), which is the recommended average exposure in an 8-hour day, 40 hour work week. The lower the TLV of a particular substance, the less a worker can be exposed to without harmful effects. TLV is stated on the SDS of chemical products, in additional to recommended personal protection equipment (or PPE). The threshold limit value of a solvent is generally set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The unit of measure is Parts Per Million (PPM).
How do you use an aerosol cleaner?

Hold object to be cleaned in vertical position. Pull trigger gently to control solvent flow rate. Spray from top to bottom, allowing the liquid to flush away contaminants. 


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