Precision-V Solvent 3730

Replacement for 3M Novec 7300

Part # Name Size Units
Per Case
Per Case
3730-G Novec 7300 Replacement - 1 gal 1 gal (3.8L) 1 $1,838.82
3730-5G Novec 7300 Replacement - 5 gal 5 gal (19L) 1 Call for pricing
3730-54G Novec 7300 Replacement - 54 gal 54 gal (205L) 1 Call for pricing
Packaging Order minimum case quantity only. Extra shipping fees may apply.
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Precision-V 3730 is a pure, colorless, chemically inert solvent with high dielectric strength. It is an effective heat transfer fluid because it quickly conducts heat. but does not interfere with the operation of electronics. This ensures the reliability of electronic devices even in the extreme conditions of military hardware or aerospace applications.

Ideal for...

  • Used in heat transfer
  • Lubricant deposition
  • Electronic testing
  • General solvent cleaner
  • Rinsing agent

Features & Benefits

  • Drop-in replacement for 3M Novec 7300
  • Nonflammable
  • Non-conductive
  • Compatible with plastics
  • Low toxicity
  • Low global warming potential (GWP)
  • Zero ozone depletion potential (ODP)
  • VOC-exempt solvent (US EPA)
  • Low surface tension for cleaning within tight areas


  • Boiling point (°F/°C) - 208/98
  • VOC (g/l) - exempt
  • GWP - 210


Is Precision-V 3730 an immediate replacement for 3M Novec 7300?
Yes, Precision-V 3730 is engineered to react and perform the same as 3M Novec 7300. A qualification process should not be necessary switching from one to the other.


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